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  A Cup No.1 é um grande torneio de futebol para jovens, que se realiza todos os anos em Frederikshavn, Dinamarca.
  Desde o início da Cup No.1 em 1984, já participaram treinadores, jogadores e árbitros de mais de 100 países e mais de 8000 equipas. Todas as instalações estão próximas e os participantes podem visitar o centro da cidade, entre jogos e jantares. Todos os anos, mais de 600 voluntários ajudam a gerir a Cup No.1, dando a todos os participantes uma grande experiência para a vida.
  A Cup No.1 pretende que cada participante volte para casa com uma grande experiência - tendo formado amizades entre países e continentes.

  "Cup No.1 is a youth football tournament for both girls and boys from the age of 10-18, which is held every year in week 28. More than 200 teams from 20 nations are participating. All matches are played on nice green soccer fields of international standard, and all is gathered in one place, the fields, the activities, and the hall where lunch and dinner are served. Cup No.1 is located in Frederikshavn, Denmark, the heart of Scandinavia. with a direct ferry connection to Gothenburg in Sweden. Frederikshavn have approx. 22,000 inhabitants and is a quiet and peaceful and safe city to stay.

Cup No.1 looks forward to welcoming you to Frederikshavn for lots of experiences for many years to come.

  This is our first year we are cooperating with AL Sport Events. Armando Lopes seems committed and reliable, and we are proud to have him as our agent in Portugal. We look forward to working with AL Sport Events for many years to come, hopefully to the delight of a lot of happy football girls and boys."

Jette Varmløse – Tournament Manager Cup No.1


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